Article archive

27/04/2012 09:13
  source : Susan Payton With more than 300 million active users, Facebook is nearly the size of the United States in terms of population. In fact, odds are that you’re a Facebook user, perhaps using it to keep in touch with family and friends, with a dash of business thrown in...
26/04/2012 11:09
Trend #1  Social Mobile We can not ignore the fact that the Smart Phone takes over our lifes. I would say that when you read this post your SMART PHONE is lying within a few feet from you OR maybe you are reading this post on your Smart Phone. Therefore we need to know that Social Mobile...
25/04/2012 10:47
  Created by : Jeff Bullas, Design is a word that is often tossed around lightly and a quote from Steve Jobs I think best sums it up. “Design is a funny word. Some people think design means how it “looks”. But of course if you dig deeper , it’s really how...
25/04/2012 08:44
Social Media Monitoring is a MUST. You need to listen to what clients & consumers talk about on the internet. There are a lot of tools to monitor. Some are very expensive but there are a few good tools that will do the job for you for FREE ! Free monitoring tools may fill your needs if you...
24/04/2012 17:32
  Denemarken wacht een lastige klus op het EK van 2012 in Oekraïne en Polen. De Scandinaviërs zitten samen met Nederland, Duitsland en Portugal in de poule des doods. Bondscoach Morten Olsen neemt dan ook geen halve maatregelen in de voorbereiding naar het toernooi toe. De oefenmeester...
24/04/2012 08:14
Social Media is working the best for small businesses ! There are some wonderful results after a research done by Social Media Examiner about the use of Social Media by 3300 marketers in 2011. Very positive is the growth of the use and the fact that more time is spend to make Social Media work...
23/04/2012 16:19
  source : Ira Kaufman   ‘Prove to me social media works!' That is the cry of many businesspeople when challenged by the hype of Twitter and Facebook. The answer will not come simply from growing social media followers.  Rather, it will come from the effect social...
23/04/2012 08:09
source : Eric Melin Cool Travel Industry Social Media Infographic The travel industry has been closely linked with social media ever since smart phones have given everybody and their mother an outlet to complain about their flight. (Just askAmerican Airlines and Alec...
22/04/2012 09:41
source : Scott Gerber, Mashable No matter what industry you’re in, so much of any business depends on networking. But keeping track of business contacts, back-to-back meetings, and pending deals can be a real headache. Thankfully, there’s an app for that. A few, actually. I asked a panel...
22/04/2012 09:34
  Winning the talent war is a priority for every organization. Now, more than ever, it’s crucial that companies get a head start in the recruiting game and capture talent using new, and sometimes unlikely, avenues. Pinterest, currently the third most popular social network, is the...
Items: 41 - 50 of 127
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